正在听证会的前一天,来自纽约州的平易近主党国会众议员贾马尔•鲍曼(Jamaal Bowman)带领20多名TikTok实质创造者凑集正在华盛整理国会山前,表今天1早上达对于TikTok的支柱。这些人于当全国午参加正在国会外的聚集,议论他大城抖音seo们对于潜伏禁令的拦阻观点。
鲍曼说:“报答此日加入的媒体,过来投身议论这个主要的课题,来一场狡猾的对于话,告知大众办事的究竟。 此日我林西抖音seo的语言将着重正在两个方面。
“美国宪法第一批改案给予咱们自在发声以及自在调换的权力。TikTok(抖音英文版)算作一个平台为1.5亿美国人发觉了谈吐自在的社区以及空间,而且用户人数还正在推广中。这么多用户里,就有此日我正在办公室里会见的全体实质创造者。他们对于我谈到TikTok给了他们一种家的觉得,一种社区的觉得;他们对于我谈到TikTok有助于他们的情绪强健,一种归属感,以及一种愉悦的痛苦感。 他们对于我谈到他们正在TikTok上也许与他们如同的人并施行沟通,他们学会更好的爱他们自身。
“而今,让咱们谈谈课题的第二个方面。为甚么要针对于TikTok?为甚么要歇斯底里?为甚么要惶恐失措?众所周知,稀奇是共以及党人不断就中国课题拉响警铃,建造惊愕。一谈到经济合作,一谈到芯片建造,一谈到本领,他们就正在针对于中国。真相上,TikTok的动作模式和它大概孕育的告急,与其他平台公司,如脸谱、Instagram, 油管以及推特殊,并无二致。因而,咱们没有要针对于TikTok, 让其被封禁。让咱们施行狡猾的议论,议论咱们须要甚么立法,甚么联邦立法以保险用户的安全,用户的信息失去失密,用户的信息没有会被销售给第三方。 咱们也许封禁TikTok,不过仍然会珍稀据经纪把用户数据销售给第三方或第三国的公司,谁的出价高,就卖给谁。 因而,让咱们没有再施行作假的狡辩,休止对于中国展现出种族主义以及仇贰心理,由于,到底是美国公司对于美国群众形成过最大的捣毁!
Thank you to all of the media for being here today to discuss this essential issue, to have an honest conversation, and to tell the truth about what’s going on. So I’m going to focus on two areas.
First of all, I’m Congressman Jamaal Bowman. I represent New York 16th District which covers Northeast Bronx and part of southern Westchester County. So we’re here for two aspects of the conversation.
I want to start with the aspect of free speech, OK? Our First Amendment gives us the right to speak freely and to communicate freely. And TikTok as a platform has created a community and space for free speech for 150 million Americans and counting. That includes many of the content creators that I just met with in my office. They talk to me about a sense of family. They talk to me about a sense of community. They talk to me about a place that is helpful to their mental health, and to their sense of belonging and well-being. They talk to me about finding a place where they could communicate with others like them, and learn to love themselves even further.
And I so appreciate them being that honest and vulnerable with me in terms of how they engage with TikTok. TikTok is also not just a space for building community, but is used as an educational tool, where you have professors and teachers providing content for students to engage with and learn from. That is what TikTok is for so many Americans. It’s also a place where 5 million small businesses are selling their products and services and making a living, making a living at a time where our economy is struggling in so many ways. So we’re talking about free speech for everyday Americans. We’re talking about small business owners who use TikTok to grow their business.
And my question is, and we are going to pivot to other part of our conversation, why the hysteria, and the panic, and the targeting of TikTok.
As we know, Republicans in particular, have been sounding the alarm, creating a red scare around China. They’ve been doing it in a variety 后天3晚上of ways when it comes to economic competition, when it comes to semiconductor manufacturing, and when it comes to technology. In terms of TikTok’s behavior and its risk to national security, it pos明天2下午es about the same threat that companies like Facebook, and Instagram, and Youtube, and Twitter pose.
So let’s not marginalize and target TikTok. Let’s have a comprehensive conversation about legislation that we need. Federal legislation, to make sure that people who use social media platforms are safe, and their information is secure and their information is not being shared or sold to third parties. Guess what? You can ban Tiktok, but there are still data brokers who sell our data to other countries and businesses in other countries. They sell to the highest bidder. So let’s not have a dishonest conversation. Let’s not be racist towards to China and express our zenophobia when it comes to TikTok, because American companies have done tremendous harm to American people.
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